Thursday, March 22, 2007
i just have to put this up
hahahah. Pris and i were vvv bored in the room that day. we're acting cannibalistic pocahontas in one and japanese horror show in another. heh. and there's one w our bed fellows. her Big Bolster and my Bear.

And here's the sepia version with the bear looking at pris's scary bony hand and saying 'Thank god im in the other window.' hahah :D

Its dumb things like that thats a nice change fr a whole day of doing work n preparing for presentations. de stress turns stress to eustress (:
.|. .|. 2:45 AM
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
7more weeeks
So here's wat i've been up to. the usual projs and tests, commuting to and from school home and driving.. good saturdays out, sundays rush to complete work...etcetcetc. (:

this is what we get up to after golf class. heh. hulla hulla hullaing at toys r us.
at marketing project, entertained ourselves drawing on the cups w crayons while waiting for the Boss. mines the one w the snail. heh

and pebblessssss! look at that pose. a regular model.
k im tired tts all for now. coming up next, another series of projs presentations tests and assignments. 1 more marketing, 2 more ob, 1 more com management, 1 stats case, 2 more quizes to be exact. And tt is after enduring 3 marketing presentations, 2 ob, 2 com management and 2 quizes in the earlier part of this sem alr! breaaaathe breathe.
i feel like a little egg festering in a test tube in one of those big labs of brave new world.
.|. .|. 9:13 AM
Tuesday, March 06, 2007
what's that you say?
Its disconcerting, the way things creep up on you when u least expect it. leaving your head reeling as if you've sampled too much wine, the wind knocking it all out thoroughly like a clean break. letting the silent chasm peek out again, for a while but not quite closing..till later.
A painful reminder of past beautiful days, when things felt more sure, when the sky was more inclined to be blue, and possibilities seemed endless. (only it was not appreciated then, as is the case most of the time untill its gone and too late)
How can things that have felt so right, took decades to build collapse just like that. the world disintegrating right in the palm of your hand, slipping through ur powerless fingers. but never mind that.
what i dont get is how the past never ever stops having that hold on you. when much calculated effort has been put into accepting, letting go, embracing the new...moving on. its like a jack in the box, the past. jumping out suddenly and gripping you tight, snatching the air you were planning on inhaling. you know somehow that it will jump out from time to time... but still you are shocked everytime it jumps out, and even more so by the impact it still manages to leave.
everytime it jumps out its so vivid.. and leaves an inconvenient sense of longing. Snippets of then make the present pale in comparison for a minute or two before reality sets in again. perhaps this is due to the past and present still being unreconciled. its not been the smoothest and transitions arent the easiest things. For now strength and equanimity needs to be built up on again while the chasm takes its time to close and jack gets settled down again in its box. hopefully with time and more time it wont hit as hard when jack springs again from the box and i would be able to look at it like an old friend and smile quite fondly.. the past and present a strong stream.
.|. .|. 5:58 AM