Saturday, July 29, 2006
i kinda miss the walks i take after work. Those days when come 530 i would promptly shut my lap top roll up my sleeves, leave the building wo a backward glance and just walk n walk n walk. (i vaguely remember dashing diagonally across big junctions somewhat recklessly in my comfy flats while other women tottered on their heels like chickens) Not till the building's out of sight will i slow down to a leisurely pace. I miss sitting on those black slabs overlooking the singapore river watching the reflections of huge buildings play on the water.. and the occassional river taxi cutting across the picture.. or if the times right, the orange ball setting n cutting the sky open making it look all pink fluffy and edible. yeah i miss that.. and sometimes when i feel up to it.. i would walk past the fullerton across the bridge through esplanade park all the way to the esplanade.. before heading home. There's something about walks, and river breezes i think... that can clear one's head and make things seem a little better.
Anw this last few wks have been fun and relaxing. I'll miss the rolling ard n book devouring n impromptu stayovers n late night tv programmes n hikes thru macr to kayak n hanging ard just talking n catching ups! oh and i've been playing ard w my new laptop a lot. LOOK:

ok not the best picture.. too dark. oh well what with the v fun but v tiring nbs camp over n fr which im still recovering (2hours sleep every night for a wk!) and hall camp next wk.. my days of unrestricted rest n slacking are numbered!
oh and my bday came n went too. my last one before the BIG TWO. thanks to those who made it special by baking ( i ate cheesecake for a whole wk n enjoyed every crumpet) showering me w cute lil gifts n notes n cards.. for remembering.. for the many well wishes and for just making time to be there (:
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Saturday, July 15, 2006
and the beat goes on...
Wats worse? having an empty house of echos or having shouts echoing off, tension n grief seeping in thru the walls. or to know that them who matter most are hurt lost and confused n u are in no position to really help. Sometimes it all gets to me so much i feel the room spinning when i close my eyes in bed at night and it feels as though there are two thick poles pushing against my temples compact into a small space the size of an atom that it seems as if there would be an explosing of some sort.. sort of like the big bang only less grand and result in a black hole occuring and then suck me into deep oblivion.
Someone i spoke to (cant rem who) told me that i would make my life way easier if i were to turn into a cold heartless self centred bitch. heh. that made me laugh.
i guess it all comes down to it being all about balance. when to seize and when to let go.. when to tighten n when to slack.. when to help and when to take a back seat.. because like it or not n hard as it is, some battles must be fought alone.. some paths conquered alone in order for it to be done.. and all u can do is stand at the side w nothing of much use to offer but a hand to hold n a place in ur heart while u attempt to tread e path tt is ur own n conquer ur own seas.
.|. .|. 8:22 AM
Monday, July 10, 2006
some snaps of the past wk

Theo's shot of me taking a shot. hahah. So these are what transition periods are like.. a series of blurred meet ups and stayovers. Fun but nonetheless dreamy. Its funny how hard it is to feel like ur actually living when ur waiting for things to happen. this must how caterpillars feel like while they're in their cocoon waiting to evolve into a butterfly. worrying bout how they would turn out or whats gonna happen. why cant the silly caterpillar just enjoy the change! hahahh. ok im babbling.
Anw, its nice.. to be able to do stuff like lie on a kayak n let the waves rock u.. lie snug on a narrow park bench w a fren and look up at the trees n sky while listening to batches of giggly sch girls talk abt their happy sch day in familiar fashion like we used to.. do out of the ordinary stuff like ride on the river taxi w a bunch of tourists.. running ard in the bowling alley in our hole-ly shoes.. arguing whether or not to eat 'third world' thai food.. and taking wildly funny jumping n other embarrasing shots at the esplanade rooftop. hahah. oh well... what else can i sayyy (:

Macr b4 kayaking! (:
hahah. dont we look funny?

Theo and i on tourist day out (:
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Thursday, July 06, 2006
Heartbreak Hotel
And so.. we're been kicked out. Done in in the last TWO minutes of extra time when some short hairy goblin like pasta crunching dude shot one in. last twoooo minutes. just one week ago i shouted myself hoarse over tt too exciting win over the argentines n now e quest ends like tt. its tt one moment, that one that can change everything.
i still recall tt horrid moment all too clearly. the traitorous ball sailing off the goblin's foot slow mo into the back of the german net. and i stopped my nervous jig n sat on the floor mouth hanging open while millions of germans grasped their heads simultaneously. my phone was swarmed w condolences n gloats, the commentators' celebratory tones didnt help i shld have muted them and the sight of little blue clad things grinning n jumpling wildly on the screen while my heroes sat in despair were too much to bear so jill and i poured ourselves into bed at the crack of dawn heartbroken. or rather just me since jill's heart was alr in pieces by englands exit.
i still love germany tho, and im still boycotting italian food for a week. Despite my declaration being met w cries of 'dont be stupid!'. its called taking a stand and besides, im mourning. The german team really did deserve this lah.. a place in the final. They were much better than the 2002 team.. under the guidance of klinsy playing a more exciting attacking game.. still solid in defence n full of young energetic hungry cute players. I can say they deserved it
more than the italians.. who
scraped thru their matches esp the one w australia. oh welllllll. so its italy vs france.. who would have thought. it doesnt matter who wins tho.. it makes no diff to me. i just want portugal trashed now! esp since cristiano 'unscrupulous' ronaldo's there. frankly i hate the guy. Tho figo deserves respect..
hahah ok enough world cup for now... besides tt paaaaainful match my first wk off work has been pretty ok. Its nice to be back in the world i know... away fr raffles place- the Land of Monster Buildings, Black Pressed Suits n Steely Women on Killer Heels.
I've never felt like this in a long time.. since pri sch june hols prob. Just slow relaxation n good old friendship. Its almost unreal. I'll blog more perhaps when i get the pics [attn: Lee Sin Yan Mak Prata J Theo Lee n Fok WChing] heh.
For now,
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