Thursday, June 29, 2006
Today is my last day of work, aaaand the day of the Match of The Year! in my opinion anw.

Heh. The world cup is exciting. Now that dear spain is out of the running, its all on germany! Its gonna be a tough match today tho.. n i would hate to see a team like argentina go.. but something's gotta give. And im biased. Germany's got my heart ever since 2002 (:
So i walk into office today unabashedly sporting my too big blackredyellow DEUTSCHLAND wristband much to the amusement and disgust (fr argent supporters) of some of my colleagues. The office is bustling w excitement n almost everyone is making soccer bets. heh.
Heres some online banter w fellow office slave ellyn who only supports argentina cos i support germany:
iceblend * ~ yuhl jung!! says:
argents are -- awesome righteous gentlemen ensured nothing to sweat (about)......
* /seraph. like a poultice. says:
* /seraph. like a poultice. says:
clever lahhh u
iceblend * ~ yuhl jung!! says:
u try also lah
* /seraph. like a poultice. says:
hahah okkkkkkkk
* /seraph. like a poultice. says:
g roovy
e xcellent
r igorous
m en!
a bled and
n imble
un Y ielding
iceblend * ~ yuhl jung!! says:
hahahaha...lemme try yours....
iceblend * ~ yuhl jung!! says:
iceblend * ~ yuhl jung!! says:
germs are catching!!!!!!!
iceblend * ~ yuhl jung!! says:
* /seraph. like a poultice. says:
iceblend * ~ yuhl jung!! says:
lol.......okok....u turn to return!!! do for argents!!!!!
* /seraph. like a poultice. says:
* /seraph. like a poultice. says:
* /seraph. like a poultice. says:
* /seraph. like a poultice. says:
iceblend * ~ yuhl jung!! says:
meano!!!! i said sth nice ok!! must be healthy competition!!!!
* /seraph. like a poultice. says:
heh ok
* /seraph. like a poultice. says:
i shall tuck aside my surging competitve urges n try...
* /seraph. like a poultice. says:
iceblend * ~ yuhl jung!! says:
okay here ends this entry. i gotta go wrap up my last day.
.|. .|. 8:32 PM
Monday, June 26, 2006
Your grass is green too
What was two years.
A desperate bid to stay on the map of life? or perhaps just plain obstination that helps the dubious pill of denial go down. Maybe it was the complacency tt comes w us humans, the assured air that makes us struggle to still keep our head up.. and look the monster in the eye. even as it gets harder and harder, and slowly takes the light out of our eyes. Yes, that which make ppl recklessly hopeful, foolishly optimistic.. despite facts not justifying any of it. An ant all geared to take on the alps.
And for what? Two years. What should be in this assured persistent struggle, this glorious fight to only end in disquiet. All frantic scramblings, foolish hope and reckless optimism to be silenced by a-
The veins, they're closed. Uttered shakily but with the weight of a tomb.
Two years, brief but there. Brief but brimming w hope. Foolish reckless hope but nevertheless, hope. Without which, these 2 years would not have happened. Without which, there would be no struggle, instead a submission to circumstances.
If anything, the having and ending of the 2 years have shown me it is all in the struggle. The struggle to not bow to facts and statistics, but battle for ur beliefs and what feels right. To not worry n calculate the future, but stick w what u want now despite logic showing u the door. If not, the 2 years wouldnt have existed.
Happiness comes from knowing when to sieze it and when to let go. Whatever is siezed must be let go of eventually.. Unhappiness comes from wanting the happiness that is here to be permanent.
Some days when i get out of the office, the air seems so cold and thin. Even the people on the bus seem cold and thin when really, its nothing personal. The house looks dark and empty with sounds fr the tv echoing off the walls and it is on these days i wonder what it is for, and though i need warmth most i just pull lazily on my shroud n wrap the cold thin air tighter ard.. before attempting to plunge into evasive sleep.
Though some nights are long n life a riddle, the sun will go on rising and setting.. bringing with it fair shares of cold thin air and warm breezes.
What matters is this:
In this journey to somewhere, I am Now Here. And Here I shall live.
.|. .|. 7:14 PM
Saturday, June 10, 2006

I remember feeling violently car sick.. desperately trying to fall asleep as i sat cramped in sabina's small car. We crossed lake constanz then went round and round on endless winding roads for bout 4 hours or so... It was a long time before i fell into a sick kinda sleep.. and i was grumbling in my dreams wishing i never stepped into the car in the first place when a shout, 'LOOK!' woke me up and i saw thiiiiiiis. THE ALPS. its wat i would say i remember most bout my trip to germany. In that instant i forgot all bout my urge to puke or the aches in my back. heh. cliched but true. The view was just amazing.. rows and rows of them all around us. Big strong and raw. It felt like we were in the inside of some great dinosaur's jaw.
Funny how something beautiful and true can strike so suddenly and make misery forgotten. It might not be in the form of something big like the alps but in the form of simple gestures too. Like a friend calling to say you are missed, or another dropping by to visit while you're sick. Its everywhere, as long as you are open to it.
So, im stuck home my first wkend back. So much for plans to catch up. I feel like a pregnant man.. more like i sound like a man and feel pregnant. husky groggy and dizzy. still, im a pretty happy pregnant man. It feels good to stay home and sleep the wkend away for once.. much needed rest. i haven been taking care of myself properly of late.
i just watched polar express. such a nice chrismassy movie. too bad its still far away.. heh. oh well. all in good time..
One line stood out for me: Its not where the train is heading, but if you decide to get on it.
How true. Sometimes you need dreamy movies like this to teach you what you're forgotten.

.|. .|. 7:57 PM