Sunday, February 26, 2006
im typing this in betw entering boring data into complicated slides of microsoft excel. the office is sooo quiet! (: cos everyone cept my fren n i are somewhere else having a meeting. heh. yaaay. when i came in to find everyone gone for the morning.. we were so happy at our temporary freedom we started prancing ard talking n laughing loudly. hahah.
now im sipping some mysterious steamy hot chinese tea (aunty stuff) n huddling comfortably in my office chair. its soooo cold! even wearing my eskimo jacket doesnt work. think one day i shall risk ridicule n wear gloves n mufflers too. hahah.
on a not so bright side, The Dreaded Wednesday is approaching fast. at a speed of 147814094238971km/sec.. its descending on us wee helpless ones like thick black haze. some more than others.
im afraid of crawling into that hole again.. the way the blind and distraught would instinctly crawl to one. wanting to curl up and hug the pain inside.. prefering the anonymity, the facelessness of the darkness.
that deep deep hole where even the afternoon sun cant reach.. where its like being encased within a huge bell jar, the lungs get tired from the strain until there is no more and the pupils dilate to reveal nothingness like preserved specimens in darwins lab. vacant n soiled, festering in their own fluids.
ok im exaggerating again arent i. oh well, its not like darkness hasnt descended before.. how bad can it be? the touch of the sun brought by nice well meaning ppl would then feel like a scorch but ultimately lure one back out.. the sun will go on rising n setting like it always does. its gd to know our trials n tribulations are not that grave as it seems to be able to stop the world fr moving on.. n its even better to know that like our moments of joy, our moments of sadness n despair will also be temporary.
.|. .|. 6:53 PM
Thursday, February 23, 2006
hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii! just got back fr lunch break.. nice music is playing over the radio (class95) .. and there's only me and 2 other ppl in the office! feel like dancing ard n hugging the photocopier (: most of the 'big' ppl are still out having their lunch.. n my fren is having half day. out w her husband.. hahah. lucky thing.
yeah so, im feeling relaxed and happy! cos its a fri afternoon! (: and no one's gonna spoil my day -glares at certain ppl- heh. tho im not supposed to be slacking (can just imagine jay saying 'naughtynaughty u'll get caughty!').. have to zap 100 copies of this oversized report. in colour some more.. yaaawn. n call up some doctors agaaaaain. n laminate more stuff agaaaain. hopefully time will pass faster then. 530 530! tts the magic time. fooouuur more hours to my wkend (:
.|. .|. 9:18 PM
Wednesday, February 22, 2006
you know u're joined the aunty clan when you suddenly find yourself in the sweltering heat at jurong west, all hot and haggard, lugging two huge packs of toilet paper. heh.
was just trying to help this aunty who was enthusiastic bout toilet paper there being 50cents cheaper..
so we scrambled on to the shuttle bus late, whereupon she proclaimed (un)apologetically to the impatient passengers on board 'sorry ah! sorry ah! diarrhea lahh!' hahahah. how embarassing.. but aunties are cute, dont u think?
yeah so tts how most of my lunch breaks have been going.. boarding some shuttle bus to somewhere for a hurried lunch, walking ard 'shopping' aimlessly before boarding the bus back to the office.
work work workkkk. work itself is alright. its nice on certain quiet days when certain people arent in and its just me and my files or me and the hole puncher, or me and some machine... n im left to daydream on my own while appearing busy.. with good charlotte or whoever to keep me company. boredom can be conquered by day dreaming but when imagination runs dry it gets heavy..n i find myself in tortorous situations when i would lose consciousness temporarily n my head would droop perilously forward.
my colleague, another mother of two aunty next to me, keeps me awake with her funny gossip n her motherly ways. she keeps giving me motherly stuff to eat.. heh. and its quite surprising how well i get on with her when she's more than twice my age. thank gdness for aunties! hahah ok this is starting to sound like a Lets all Worship Aunties entry.
on some days, when more staff are in.. it gets interesting, to put it nicely. theres like a fashion parade! a whole flurry of young women clucking ard with their high heels and mini skirts n the office is suddenly chaotic, untill all im aware of are shrill voices n long rebonded hair. and i will have work chucked in my face over n over again with people breathing down my neck, pointing fingers n muttering snide remarks. heh.
oh well, 3 necessities to survive a day of work
- IMAGINATION: where i dream make plans n turn the ppl in my office into caricatures! n i start smiling to myself like a moron n snorting w suppressed mirth
- THICK SKIN: yes i put on my troll skin every morning. hurl insults at me n i'll just smile n go uh?
-HUMOUR: my aunty frens have me in stitches whenever we meet for lunch. hahah. they're the funniest ppl on earth.
still, cant imagine myself doing an admin office job for the rest of my life. i'll just shrivel up day by day untill im this lump of something. some dayyy, in the not so near future, when i get to leave this blue building... i'll be so happy! i'll run down the streets yelling free freee! i'll rest and roll around, sit at cafes to read talk all day.. n its gonna be great (: some day.......
for now, i live for lunch breaks! after work time! aaaand wkends!
oh n results are coming out soon..... yay. the sky is falling.
.|. .|. 5:14 AM
Saturday, February 04, 2006
yay its a saturday! alls right with the world! (: life's been treating me alright.. except for the sheer boredom of and the occassional 'pointing finger' scenarios at work.. but whatever. what happens in the office stays in the office. cny was quite ok.. a whole flurry of activities right down to the very last min. a whole cycle of visit eat visit eat play stupid games n watch ur angpow pile grow bigger!(: im now permanently bloated fr all tt food n suffering fr severe lack of sleep from all those parties n late nights out. heh. life can be pretty gd sometimes (: 
great company (: on the ledge of my balcony.

at sentosa on the 2nd day. waaaaaaay too hot and crowded.
pebbles in her qi pao thing! cute riiiight!
first day morn was spent w my dads side.
the whole present tea to ur parent thing to show ur fillial. i managed to sprout 2 cheng yus! heh.
sparkles are so fun!
sparkles sparkles! w my mums side family. i love all my cousins! they're all so amusing! intentionally or not. had such a fun time playing stupid games n laughing w them. we were shouting so hard w laughter (WHAHAHAHAH!) my dad could hear us 10 houses away. hahah.
other stuff which i didnt get pics of were the visit to marias house n jill staying over. man we shld have more of these holidays! n yaaawn im too lazy to say anything else.
.|. .|. 2:10 AM