Saturday, January 14, 2006
i realise, that there are basically 2 kinds of sadness. the sudden outpouring of grief that takes one completely by surprise.. like the booming gush of blood that flows strong from a pulsating vein tt is freshly cut.. n u're suddenly in third person observing the scene, taken aback by tt sudden outpouring. like whoa, u mean i had so much blood?
then theres the withering kind of sadness. chills coming in torrents. gripping nostalgia n stark lonliness heightened by cloudy abandoned dreams and hope itself seems draped by lethargy.
i feel like a rootless floating...seaweed. dark dirty green, and all squiggly n slimy n stuff. hahah. compass-less n just getting tossed ard with the forces of the sea. all in all though, life's been alright.. despite the occassional bouts of 'sadness' tt comes fr missing an olympic pool size load of ppl, my mum included and etcetc.
works been okayy. i have the most glam job an 18 yr old girl can have man! heh. glam is my middle name (:
A WEEK IN THE LIFE OF A VACUUM GIRL-stand for hours on end shouting over the volume of the tv at random passers-by who (un)luckily happen to display an inkling of interest at the wheezing round thing on the table.
-waving beaming gesturing wildly and smiling like a halloween carved pumpkin
-hauling those heavyheavy things on n off the table at the whim n fancy of the customers
-resisting the urge to scream n yell 'BUY OR DIE!' when the hundredth person tells you 'i'll think about it' or 'i'll be back laterrrrr'
-being absolutely bored to tears
-going crazy w fellow colleauges(wat a strange word). we started thinking of ways to attract the attention of potential buyers.. coming up w idiotic tag lines, dancing stupidly to the music of the advert and taking turns to act as a fascinated customer exclaiming loudly the benefits of the product
-getting to meet all kinds of ppl. from kiasu aunties, old men, slightly psycho middle aged humans, expats, suit makeup LV bags clad executives, tourists fr south africa japan russia australia india korea germany etc. i think we got to talk to bout 200 over ppl a day.. how cool is that! (: the tourists are the most friendly.. can have real fun conversations w them. sometimes ending w a sales or a hearty CIAO! a huge russian even slapped me on the shoulder n i was so caught off guard i stumbled ard. hahah.
yep.. one of the best parts of the job is getting to interact w all kinds of ppl. even the weirdos tt pluck hair in front of me are interesting.. they each are such interesting stories!
- but the best part........THE PAY! hahah. yayyyyyy. theres nothing nicer after a loonnnggg hard day at work than running into the nearest store to shop! used a quarter of my day's pay to buy a nice skirt! (:
oh! and these 2 weeks have been so fun (: there's nothing sweeter than the pleasant surprise of discovering the blooming buds of new found friendships and nothing more heart warming than meeting up w old friends n further developing an always cherished friendship (: plus there was a class gathering at aarons too! hahah. cool pool, cool floating crocodile but not so cool baggy red shorts. heh. great company there tho (: and the dogsss! (charlie's angels) cute tiny cuddly things that make u wanna sit there n koochigooga them all day. heh. okay gotta slp before those sumo wrestlers reenter my eye bags. work does things to me..
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Wednesday, January 04, 2006

whoa! its been a long time! a gazillion things have happened since the last time i've blogged.. a short span of a few wks.. yet i've managed to feel incandescently rapturous, morose, bounteous, pensive..been exasperated out of my mind, moved to tears on several occassions... and the list goes on. hahah ok before i start to make myself sound like some psychotic cow.. it has been a turbulent time fraught with radical changes, adjustments and events big and small bringing with them renewed hope.
Now, i just feel recharged refreshed and hopeful about the future. i feel.. bewitched by the prospect of all that empty hours ahead.. mine to make of, to explore and to fill up with happy memories and discoveries. this is like the only time where we get to take a reprieve from the regiment of school, a window away from the usual routine, and i intend to make full use of it.. turn time in my hands like a well polished stone in my palm. there's so many things i wanna do.. but im not gonna rush into anything. oh no no.. no more rushing for me (:
of course i know the year ahead, though filled with much possibilities, is not gonna be that easy. good and bad often come in pairs.. but i feel equipped to handle it. plus everything that has happened- the splendid christmas, vietnam holiday where i got closer to my relatives, the retreat and the reflections it brought forth, countless calls n meetings with friends... have made me feel really blessed. wherever, whoever i turn to... there has always been help n support available in varying forms of hugs smiles and simple comradeship.. even the times and fr the ppl i least expect it (: so thanks to all who have been in my life thus far! u prob made more of a difference than u thought u did. how can one not be optimistic then? so lets cherish the past present n future and say a big yay for the new yr! a bit late lah since its alr 5jan.. but YAY anw! hahah.
5 weird random stuff (in response to huiming n marias tag)
1) i have compulsive reading disorder! have borrowed like 20 bks fr the library alr since the As end and have been trying to read all of them at once
2) for some reason im damn blur sometimes so if i dont show signs of recognising u im not dao. i just didnt see u. heh.
3) i have plenty of comfy night gowns that i sleep in
4) i sing myself to sleep when im happy or bored
5) i make stuff for ppl n often forget to give them! hahah. man... i still have half written n unsent christmas cards..
a big HEY! to all who tagged- sokie,yihui,maria,huiming,xiaohui,debs,jill,sharm :]
oh and bcos my comp has some big monster virus i wont be online in forever.. my handphones working tho :)
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